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Coming Soon


2. Dungeon Daddy ebook.jpg


As life happens, happily-ever-after gets harder to hold on to...

Two kids and two busy careers have taken their toll on Jax and Esther Johnson. Muddling through the middle of their lives, this Daddy Dom and his sweet and sassy babygirl have been in a rut for a long time. Esther knows motherhood and age have changed her body, and she's never been the sophisticated type that her husband spends time with all day at work. Worried that Jax is moving on to younger, greener pastures, Esther begins a campaign to win back her husband.

There's just one problem: when Jax notices his wife is no longer acting like herself, he begins to assume the worst.

Master Chef


Executive Chef Nick Davis has the hots for his Sous Chef, Avery Kzmarscki, but she's been playing hard to get for weeks. It's time to see if Nick can be the boss both in and out of the kitchen and become Avery's Master Chef.


Author Note

I once saw a meme explaining that the Venn Diagram of people who play D&D, people who go to Renn Fair, and people who are kinky is basically a stack of pancakes. In my own life, as someone who loves Renn Fair and has many friends who play D&D, I found this to be true. D&D was always something I wanted to get into in high school but never had the time, and when I did have the time there was no DM. It’s a life of missed D&D chances.
But thanks to the internet, now there’s Roll20 and all sorts of other options.
And, as a nerdy kink author, I also wasn’t going to miss out on a chance to make lots of Dungeon Master puns. It’s like they’re begging for it.


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